Sunday, February 26, 2012

¨Annus Mirabilis¨ Year Of Wonders

Latin is the most exquisite of languages to me, i love it, and am in love with it. I can remember when i was in my 10th grade, i had an english test, we were asked to write an essay about our favourite word, ( yes i know, i had the sillest of teachers), anyways without any  futher thoughts i chose this ¨Requiescat In Pace. - (Rip) May He/She Rest In Peace.. they asked for a word? and i chose a PHRASE, you wouldnt imagine the rubbish i wrote untill when my essay was handed back to me with the following remark on the rear ¨¨¨Madam RIP, if you dont know how to speak latin or interprete basic phrases, please dont write gagagbantis for me, this is rubbish¨¨ three over twenty*bang* suffice to say, i just folded my sheet, turned to my friend and with an almighty smile i asked ¨i got nineteen, what did you get¨¨....
*fastward*  ten years after, i am here, SHARING COMMON LATIN PHRASES¨ i have no shame, and am not giving up on what i still cant go a day thinking, whether it was rubbish i wrote on not, LATIN REMAINS MY FAVOURITE LANGUAGE.... yes not even the famous English....

This is a  list some widely used Latin Phrases, you dont need to commit all to memory, but knowing a few might get you some extra bonus, YOU NEVER KNOW, you never know! happy read...


A Cappella - In The Chapel Style, Without Instruments

A Mensa Et Thoro - From Board And Bed (Legal Separation)

A Posteriori - From What Comes Later

A Priori - From What Comes Before

A Verbis Ad Verbera - From Words To Blows

Ad Absurdum - Taken To Absurd Lengths, To An Absurd Extreme

Ad Hoc - To This Particular Purpose

Ad Hominem - According To The Person

Ad Infinitum - Going On Forever

Ad Interim - For The Meantime

Ad Libitum (Ad Lib) - As One Pleases

Ad Locum - At The Place

Ad Nauseam - To The Point Of Making One Sick

Addendum - An Item To Be Added

Advocatus Diaboli - Devil's Advocate  (Someone Takes A Position Solely For The Sake Of A Discussion Or Argument.)

Agenda - Things To Be Done

Alea Iacta Est. - "The Die Is Cast." (Julius Caesar)

Alias - Otherwise

Alibi - Elsewhere

Alma Mater - Nurturing Or Nourishing Mother (Refers To The University One Has Attended)

Alter Ego - Another "I" Or Another Self

Alumnus - From The Word "Alere" Meaning To Nurture, A Graduate Of A School Or University Feminine Form Is Alumna, Plural - Alumni.

Amicus Curiae - Friend Of The Court

Amor Patriae - Love Of Country

Amor Vincit Omnia. - Love Conquers All.

Anno (An.) - Year

Anno Domini (A.D.) - In The Year Of The Lord

Anno Mundi - In The Year Of The World

Annus Horribilis - A Horrible Year (Queen Elizabeth Ii Described 1992.)

Annus Mirabilis - Year Of Wonders

Ante - Before

Ante Cibum (A.C.) - Before Meals

Ante Meridiem (A.M.) - Before Noon In The Period From Midnight To Noon.

Ante Mortem - Before Death

Ante Prandium (A.P.) - Before A Meal, Especially Lunch

Antebellum - Before The War

Aqua Vitae - Water Of Life (Spirits, Wine/Brandy)

Argumentum Ad Populum - A Fallacious Argument; Because Many People Believe Something It Is Not Necessarily True

Ars Gratia Artis - Art For Art's Sake

Artium Baccalaureus - Bachelor Of Arts (Ba)

Artium Magister - Master Of Arts (Ma)

Audaces Fortuna Iuvat. - Fortune Favours The Bold.

Audio, Video, Disco. - I Hear, I See, I Learn. (Smile!)

Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights

Aut Vincere Aut Mori. - Either Conquer Or Die.

Ave Atque Vale - Hello And Goodbye


Bis In Die (Bid) –Twice A Day

Bona Fide -In Good Faith


Carpe Diem. - Seize The Day. (Literally "Pluck” The Day)

Casus Belli - An Act Used To Justify War

Causa Mortis - Cause Of Death

Caveat. - Let Him/Her Beware.

Caveat Emptor. - Let The Buyer Beware.

Caveat Lector. - Let The Reader Beware. (Text Might Not Be Accurate.)

Circa (Ca.) - Around Or Approximately, Usually Used With Dates.

Circulus Vitiosus - Vicious Circle

Citius Altius Fortius – “Faster, Higher, Stronger” (Olympic Motto)

Cogito Ergo Sum. - "I Think Therefore I Am." (René Descartes)

Commune Bonum - The Common Good

Compos Mentis - Of Sound Mind

Consensu Omnium - By The Agreement Of All

Consummatum Est. - It Is Completed

Cui Prodest Scelus, Is Fecit. - The One Who Derives Advantage From The Crime Is The One Most Likely To Have Committed It. - Seneca .

Culpa - A Sin

Cum - With

Cum Grano Salis - With A Grain Of Salt

Cum Laude - With Praise

Curriculum Vitae - The Course Of One's Life (Resumé)


De Facto - In Fact

De Iure - According To Law

De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum. – Say Only Good About The Dead.

Deo Gratias. - Thanks Be To God.

Deus Ex Machina - God From The Machine (Contrived Solution Usually To A Literary Plot)

De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum. - There Is No Arguing Tastes.

Deus Vobiscum. - God Be With You.

Divide Et Impera - Divide And Conquer.

Dominus Vobiscum. - The Lord Be With You.

Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori. “It Is Sweet And Honourable To Die For One's Country." (Horace)

Dum Spiro, Spero. - While I Breathe, I Hope.


E Pluribus Unum - "From Many, One." - A National Motto (Usa)

Ecce Homo. - Behold The Man.

Editio Princeps - First Printed Edition

Eiusdem Generis - Of The Same Kind

Emeritus - From Merit (Often Used To Refer To A Retired Professor)

Eo Ipso - By That Very Act

Ergo – Therefore (Used To Show A Logical Conclusion)

Errare Humanum Est. - To Err Is Human.

Erratum - Error

Esse Quam Videri - To Be Rather Than To Seem

Et Alii (Et Al.) - And Others (Used To Abbreviate A List Of Names)

Et Cetera (Etc.) - And The Rest, Nowadays Also "And Others", "And So On", "And More")

Et Sequens - And The Following

Et Tu, Brute - "And You, Brutus?" (Quotation From William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar)

Ex - Out Of

Ex Animo - From The Heart (Sincerely)

Ex Cathedra - With Authority

Ex Deo - From God

Ex Dolo - Intentionally

Ex Gratia - From Kindness Or From Grace (Referring To Someone Performing An Act Out Of Kindness As Opposed To Being Forced To Do It)

Ex Libris -From The Books (Library) Of
Ex More - According To Custom

Ex Officio - From The Office (When Someone Holds One Position By Virtue Of Holding Another, For Example, The U.S. Vice President Is Ex Officio President Of The Senate)

Ex Post Facto - From What Is Done Afterward, Of A Law With Retroactive Effect.

Ex Tempore - Right Away, Immediately

Excelsior - Higher, Ever Upward (Nys Motto)

Exceptio Probat Regulam. - The Exception Proves The Rule.

Extempore - Without Premeditation

Exempli Gratia (E.G.) - For The Sake Of Example, Usually Translated "For Example."

Exeunt. - They Leave.

Exit. He/She Leaves.

Extempore - Without Premeditation


Facile Princeps - Acknowledged Leader

Facsimile. - Make A Similar One. (Origin Of The Word Fax)

Facta, Non Verba - Deeds, Not Words

Factum Est. - It Is Done.

Fiat - Let It Be Done.

Fiat Lux. - Let There Be Light.

Finis - The End

Flagrante Delicto - In The Act Of Committing A Crime

Flamma Fumo Est Proxima. - There Is No Smoke Without Fire.

Fugit Hora. - The Hour Flies.


Gloria - Glory

Gloria In Excelsis Deo - Glory To God In The Highest


Habeas Corpus. - You Must Have The Body.  (You Must Justify An Imprisonment.)

Hic Et Nunc - Here And Now

Hic Iacet - Here Lies

Homo Sum. - I Am A Man.

Honoris Causa - For The Sake Of Honor

Horas Non Numero Nisi Serenas. - I Only Count The Sunny Hours. (Common Inscription On Sundials)

Hora Somni (H.S.) - At Bedtime, Literally At The Hour Of Sleep


Ibidem (Ibid.) - In The Same Place, Usually In Bibliographic Citations.

Id Est (I.E.) - That Is To Say, Sometimes "In This Case," Depending On The Context

Ignorantia Legis Neminem Excusat. - Ignorance Of The Law Excuses No One.

Imago Dei - Image Of God

Imperium - Absolute Power

Imprimatur. - Let It Be Printed.

Imprimis - In First Place

Inter Arma Silent Leges - There Is No Law On The Battlefield".

In Absentia - In The Absence Of

In Articulo Mortis - At The Moment Of Death

In Camera -In Secret (Literally "In The Chamber")

Incipit - Begin Here.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum - List Of Forbidden Books

In Dubio - In Doubt

In Duplo - In Two

In Effigie - In (The Form Of) An Image

In Esse - In Existence

In Excelsis - In The Highest

In Extenso - In Long (Form) That Is Complete, Unabridged.

In Extremis - In Extremity

In Fidem - To Faith

In Fine - At The End

In Flagrante Delicto - In Flaming Crime (Caught In The Act)

In Flore - In Bloom

In Foro - In Forum (In Court)

Infra - Below, Underneath

In Futuro - In The Future

In Infinitum - To Infinity

In Loco - At The Place

In Loco Parentis - In The Place Of A Parent

In Medias Res - Into The Middle Of Things

In Memoriam - In Memory Of

In Nuce - In A Nutshell

In Perpetuum - For Ever

In Personam - Against The Person

In Pleno - In Full

In Praesenti - At The Present Time

In Principio - In The Beginning

In Propria Persona - In Person

In Puris Naturalibus - Completely Naked

In Rem - Against The Matter (Property)

In Rerum Natura - In The Nature Of Things

In Salvo - In Safety

In Se - In Itself

In Situ - In Position

In Totidem Verbis - In So Many Words

In Toto - Totally,Completely

In Transitu - In Passing

In Triplo - In Three (Copies)

In Usu - In Use

In Utero - In The Womb

In Vacuo - In A Vacuum

In Vino Veritas. - In Wine Is Truth.

In Vitro - In Glass

In Vivo - In The Living (Thing)

Incredibile Dictu - Incredible To Say

Inter Alia - Among Other Things

Inter Alios - Among Other People

Inter Se - Between Themselves

Inter Spem Et Metum - Between Hope And Fear

Inter Vivos - Between Living (People)

Intra Muros - Within The Walls, Not Public

Intra Vires - Within The Powers

Ipsi Dixit. - He Himself Said It.

Ipsissima Verba - The Exact Words

Ipso Facto - By The Fact Itself

Ipso Iure - By Operation Of The Law

Ius Gentium - The Law Of Nations


Justitia Omnibus - Justice For All


Not Used In Latin


Lapsus Linguae - A Slip Of The Tongue

Lapsus Memoriae - A Slip Of The Memory

Laus Deo - Praise Be To God.

Lex Domicilii - The Law Of A Person's Home Country

Lex Lata - The Law As It Exists

Lex Loci - The Law Of The Place

Lex Non Scripta - The Unwritten (Common) Law

Lex Scripta - The Written Law

Licentia Poetica - Poetic License

Literati - Men Of Letters

Locus Delicti - The Scene Of The Crime

Locus In Quo - The Place In Which Something Happens

Loquitur - He/She Speaks.

Lumen Naturale - Natural Light

Lusus Naturae - A Freak Of Nature

Lux Et Veritas - Light And Truth

Lux Mundi - The Light Of The World


Magister Artium (Ma) - Master Of Arts

Magna Cum Laude - With Great Distinction

Magnificat. - It Magnifies.

Magnum Opus - The Greatest Piece Of Work

Mala Fide - In Bad Faith

Manu Propria (M.P.) - With One's Own Hand

Mater - Mother

Materfamilias - Mother Of Family

Mea Culpa - Through My Fault

Memento Mori. - Remember That You Must Die.

Memorabilia - Memorable Things

Mens Sana In Corpore - A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

Millennium (Millennia) - A Thousand Year Period

Mirabile Visu - Wonderful To Behold

Miserere. - Have Mercy.

Modus Operandi (M.O.) - Way Of Operating

Modus Vivendi - Way Of Living

Moratorium - A Delay

Morituri Te Salutant. - Those Who Are About To Die Salute You.


Nascentes Morimur. - From The Moment We Are Born, We Die.

Natura Abhorret A Vacua. - Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Ne Plus Ultra (Also Non Plus Ultra) "Nothing More Beyond" Literally, The Best Or Most Extreme Example Of Something.

Nihil - Nothing

Nihil Per Os (N.P.O.) - Nothing By Mouth

Nolens Volens - Whether Unwilling Or Willing

Noli Me Tangere. - Touch Me Not.

Nolle Prosequi - Not Willing To Prosecute (A Legal Motion To Drop Legal Charges, Usually In Exchange For A Diversion Program Or Out-Of-Court Settlement)

Nolo Contendere - I Do Not Wish To Contend. (No Contest - A Plea That Can Be Entered On Behalf Of A Defendant In A Court That States The Accused Doesn't Admit Guilt But Will Accept Punishment For A Crime.)

Non Mihi Solum –Not For Myself Alone

Non Sequitur - It Does Not Follow

Nota Bene (N.B.) Note It Well.

Nulli Secundus - Second To None

Nunc Pro Tunc - Now For Then (Effective From An Earlier Date)


O Tempora, O Mores! - "Oh The Times! Oh The Morals!" (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Oculus Dexter (O.D.) - Right Eye

Oculus Sinister (O.S.) - Left Eye

Oderint Dum Metuant ~ Let Them Hate So Long As They Fear. Lucius Accius Better Known Perhaps As One Of Caligula's Favorite Sayings

Odi Et Amo. – “I Hate (Her) And I Love (Her).” (Catullus)

Omnia Vincit Amor - Love Conquers All.

Onus Probandi - The Burden Of Proof

Opera Omnia - All Works (The Collected Works Of An Author)

Opere Citato (Op.Cit) - In The Cited Work

Ophidia In Herba - A Snake In The Grass (Hidden Danger Or Unknown Risk)

Opus Dei - The Work Of God


Panem Et Circenses - Bread And Circuses

Pari Passu - With Equal Step (Moving Together, Simultaneously)

Pater Noster - Our Father

Paterfamilias - Father Of The Family

Paucis Verbis - In A Few Words

Pax - Peace

Pax Vobiscum. - Peace Be With You.

Per Annum - Yearly

Per Capita - Per Head (Per Person)

Per Cent - Per Hundred

Per Diem - Daily

Per Os (P.O.) - By Mouth

Per Se - By Itself

Per Qod - By Virtue Of And Depending On External Facts E.G. A Libel Would Only Be Valid If The Accuser Were Truly Of Good Character. Opposite Of Per Se.

Per Stirpes - Per Branch (Used In Wills To Indicate That Each Branch Of The Testator's Family Should Inherit Equally)

Persona Non Grata - Person Not Wanted,

Post Bellum - After The War

Post Cibum (P.C.) - After Meals

Post Facto - After The Fact

Post Hoc - After This

Post Hoc Ergo Procter Hoc - A Logical Fallacy Of Ascribing Causatiuon When It Is Not Justified.

Post Meridiem (Pm) - After Midday, From Noon To Midnight

Post Mortem - After Death

Post Partum - After Childbirth

Post Prandial - After Eating.

Post Scriptum (Ps) - Written Later, Used To Mark Additions To A Letter After The Signature.

Prima Facie - At First Sight

Primum Non Nocere. "First, Do No Harm." (Hippocrates)

Primus Inter Pares - First Among Equals

Pro Bono (Pro Bono Publico) - For The Good Of The Public Said Of A Lawyer's Work That Is Not Charged For.

Pro Forma - As A Matter Of Form, Formality

Pro Nunc - For Now

Pro Patria - For One's Country

Pro Rata - For The Rate, (In Proportion To The Value)

Pro Re Nata (Prn) - As Needed

Pro Tempore - For The Time Being, (Temporary)

Probatum Est - It Has Been Proved.

Punctum Saliens - The Outstanding (Essential Or Most Notable) Point


Qua - In So Far As

Quaere Verum. - Seek The Truth.

Quaque Die (Qd) - Every Day

Quaque Hora (Qh) - Every Hour

Quaque Mane (Qm) - Every Morning

Quaque Nocte (Qn) - Every Night

Quater In Die (Qid) - Four Times A Day

Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Dementat Prius - Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad

Qui Tacet Consentit. - Who Keeps Silent, Consents.

Quid Pro Quo - This For That (A Favor For A Favor)

Quidnunc? Or Quid Nunc? - What Now? (Noun: A Busybody Or A Gossip)

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? - Who Will Guard The Guardians?

Quo Iure - By What Law

Quo Vadis - Where Are You Going?

Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Qed) - Which Was To Be Demonstrated

Quod Est (Qe) - Which Is

Quorum - Of Whom


Re - Concerning

Redivivus - Come Back To Life

Reductio Ad Absurdum - Reduction To The Absurd

Referendum - Something To Be Referred

Regina - Queen

Requiescat In Pace. - (Rip) May He/She Rest In Peace.

Res Ipsa Loquitur. - The Thing Speaks For Itself.

Res Iudicata – A Judged Thing (Legal Concept: Once A Matter Has Been Finally Decided By The Courts, It Cannot Be Litigated Again.)

Rex - King

Rigor Mortis - The Rigidity Of Death


Salve - Hello

Satis - Enough

Scilicet (S.C.) - That Is To Say

Scripsit. - He/She Wrote It.

Semper Fidelis – (Semper Fi) Always Faithful

Semper Paratus - Always Prepared.

Sequens (Seq) - The Following (One)

Sic - Thus

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum - If You Wish For Peace, Prepare For War

Sic Vita Est - Such Is Life.

Signetur (Sig) - Let It Be Labeled.

Sine Anno (S.A.) - Without Year (Unknown Publication Date)

Sine Cura - Without A Care

Sine Die - Without A Day (Indefinitely)

Sine Qua Non - Something/Someone Indispensable

Sine Loco (Sl) - Without Place

Sine Prole (Sp) - Without Issue

Statim (Stat) - Immediately

Solum Deum Prae Oculis Habentes - Having Only God Before Your Eyes

Status Quo - The Current State Of Being

Stet - Let It Stand. (Marginal Mark In Proofreading To Indicate That Something Previously Deleted Or Marked For Deletion Should Be Retained)

Stricto Sensu - In The Strict Sense

Stupor Mundi - Wonder Of The World

Sub Poena - Under Penalty Of Law

Sub Rosa - Under The Rose (Secretly)

Sui Generis - Of His/Her/Its Own Kind

Sui Juris - Of One's Own Right (Capable Of Legal Responsibility)

Summa Cum Laude - With Highest Praise

Summum Bonum - The Highest Good

Summum Malum - The Supreme Evil

Sunt Omnes Unum. - They Are All One.

Suo Iure - In One's Own Right

Suo Loco - In A Person's Rightful Place

Supra - Above


Tabula Rasa - Blank Tablet Or Slate

Tacet - Silence

Tempore - In The Time Of

Tempus Fugit. - Time Flees.

Terra Firma - Solid Ground

Terra Incognita - Unknown Land

Ter In Die (T.I.D.) - Three Times A Day


Ut Dictum - As Directed

Unus Multorum - One Of Many (An Average Person)


 Vade In Pace. - Go In Peace.

Vale - Farewell

Vanitas Vanitatum, Omnia Vanitas. - "Vanity, Vanity, All Is Vanity." (Ecclesiastes, 1:2)

Veni, Vidi, Vici. - I Came, I Saw, I Conquered.

Vera Causa - The True Cause (Of)

Verbatim Et Litteratim - Word For Word And Letter For Letter

Verbum Sapienti Sat Est. - A Word Is Enough To The Wise.

Veritas - Truth

Veritas Nunquam Perit. - Truth Never Dies.

Veritas Vos Liberabit. - The Truth Will Set You Free.

Versus (Vs.) - Against

Veto - I Forbid (A Right To Unilaterally Stop A Certain Piece Of Legislation)

Via - By Way Of

Vice - In Place Of

Vice Versa - With Places Exchanged (In Reverse Order)

Vide - See

Vis Legis - Force Of The Law

Vivat Regina - Long Live The Queen.

Vivat Rex - Long Live The King.

Vox Populi - Voice Of The People


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